#13 Augmented Reality Supply Chain is Here and It’s Going to be Effective

This was originally published on cerasis.com on February 10, 2016 by Adam Robinson. Supply Chain Technology // Adam Robinson // February 10, 2016 // 13 comments Augmented......what? Reality? Augmented Reality Supply Chain? As Will Ferrell says, "You're crazy man. I love you, but...you're crazy." Not so fast. The Augmented Reality Supply Chain is here.....and well.....it's … Continue reading #13 Augmented Reality Supply Chain is Here and It’s Going to be Effective

#12 Letters to Uncle MP

On the eve of Papua New Guinea's 2017 National Elections, I find myself reflecting a lot more on the realities of being a public politician in Papua New Guinea. The nuances and ironies that the politicians have to deal with is disconcerting. I often criticise without understanding why people do what they do. There must be a … Continue reading #12 Letters to Uncle MP