#24: The Thoughts of a Poet without a voice

The Thoughts of a Poet without a voice Let me lose. Release me. Save me. I will torment you. Hold you captive until you set me free. The thoughts of a poet without a voice. Why are these words cooped up in my mind tormenting me? Words that mould into being conjuring thoughts from the … Continue reading #24: The Thoughts of a Poet without a voice

#23 What playing Monopoly as a child taught me.

I have a confession to make. I am a sucker for playing monopoly and I don't mean the type of game that lasts a few hours. No. I am talking about the game that lasts days! That is probably why I haven't played it now that I am a bit older, because none of my … Continue reading #23 What playing Monopoly as a child taught me.