#30 Poem – A letter to Mr & Mr Too-Wrist

A letter to Mr & Mr Too-Wrist

Dear Mr & Mr Too-Wrist,

I hope that you’ve enjoyed our town.
Our sights,
our smiles,
and our sound.

And for that while
you felt a ‘lil lost.
Direction, I pray,
came at no cost.

And I hope you ventured
beyond the beaten path.
To find those moments
now etched to your heart-

Mostly, I hope you found it
all without trouble.

Our forests, our rivers.
Our coffees, our beers.

So in the end
when you settle,
into your seat
on that plane,
I hope your thinking, and planning,
of your next trip
back again.

C. Arnes

by Hans Lee


Any one who has worked in tourism and hospitality knows the feeling of putting on a show for our guests. The best thing about working in the industry is that you meet people from all walks of life and serve them with the same respect and dignity in-spite of your own opinions. There’s a feeling of pride that settles like the warm fuzzies when I hear people speak good things about our city after a satisfying visit.

Kuranda Scenic Railway

I explore two themes in this poem, and set this in a future after we have legislated for, and have moved on from this whole issue of marriage equality. In this future Mr and Mr Too-Wrist are just guests in my town and they are treated with the same dignity and respect afforded to anyone else. It also engages with the reality of Cairns a a tourism dependent economy where it really can’t afford to discriminate.


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