#75 – urban planning reads – wk8/52

These are the urban planning related content from Week 8/52: Transport Planning difference from Tokyo and New York https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zysL_lkdtys 2. Zoning and Built Form for Affordable Housing https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cEsC5hNfPU4 3. Planning "unaffordability" https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0Flsg_mzG-M

Ketar Natis, Killings and Two Grieving Kinsmen

Crocodile Prize PNG

By (Theresa) Tess Gizoria

Dad and I very rarely sit and chat about little nothings. But on the occasions when I patiently listen to him retelling stories from his childhood, I more often than naught, am transported back in time to a place I can’t picture, with traditional practices and social norms I cannot reconcile with my present reality.

On one of those rare occasions, I learnt about the practise of ‘ketar natis’.

Growing up, dad would tell me how most problems were made right through ‘ketar natis’, a practise similar to, but a little unlike the ‘pay-back killings’ of societies in the highlands of PNG. An eye-for-aneye sort of practise.

The figurative description of the term ketar natis would be equivalent to the pain of a splinter embedded under a fingernail.

Even if the splinter were removed the sore would prove rather painful and could take forever to heal…

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KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY DAME MEG TAYLOR,  SECRETARY GENERAL2018 State of the Pacific ConferenceAustralia National University pects to their elders past, present and emerging. The Minister for Foreign Affairs, the Honourablee Marisse Payne, members of the diplomatic corps, Vice Chancellor of ANU, distinguished guests, conference delegates, students, ladies and gentlemen. I would like to think that … Continue reading KEYNOTE ADDRESS BY DAME MEG TAYLOR, SECRETARY GENERAL

#9 Tips: Option To Purchase Property

This article first appeared on HomeLoanExperts.com.au during December 2016. Essential guide for developers and investors An option to purchase property or land is a strategy used by many sophisticated investors and property developers.It’s a way to get your foot in the door without coughing up a lot in upfront costs and reaping a significant return … Continue reading #9 Tips: Option To Purchase Property

#4: Orlando Shooting: A Year on From Charlston Church Massacre

Disclaimer: In writing this post, I do not in any way condone the actions of those gun-wielding psychopaths that ruined the lives of their communities. I merely want to understand how the environment in some American states are more susceptible to mass-shootings then others. I am not a citizen of America, don't have an opinion about … Continue reading #4: Orlando Shooting: A Year on From Charlston Church Massacre