#40 My Poetry in 2017: Caffeinated Sex, PNG and Cairns

I want to end this year with a look back on my writings and musings throughout the year, marking the first year that I spent understanding how best to 'tell ones story', as it is often the hardest thing to do. Though I have tries exploring different forms of writing, I have enjoyed the voice … Continue reading #40 My Poetry in 2017: Caffeinated Sex, PNG and Cairns

#6 Regional Economies for Young Guns: Will the boomerang return?

Inspired by a few of my close friends and acquaintances. Thank you Amanda for letting me borrow your name. I've been experimenting lately with creating scenarios and imagining what type of emotions would rationally suit that situation however, the tone of this conversation played out in my head as a sombre interaction, which was probably more … Continue reading #6 Regional Economies for Young Guns: Will the boomerang return?

#5 Building Regional Economies for Young Guns: Part 1 The Leaving

It was the last conversation we were to have for a while. Like we had done many times before, I brought the finest $10 bottle of Cabernet Sauvignon while she made dinner. It was a ritual too customary to ignore because for friends who saw each other so infrequently, we needed a routine to bring familiarity. Earlier that … Continue reading #5 Building Regional Economies for Young Guns: Part 1 The Leaving